Wednesday with Miss Jasmin

As you know, Mrs Potter, Mrs Lewis, Mr Featherby, Mr Foale and I are all out of the classroom, so that we can get ready for Term 2 and start organising our Moodle! Today, you have Miss Jasmin – I know you’ll be great for her 🙂 Your tasks for today:

8:50am: Buddy Reading with Ms Nektaria’s and Mrs Cedar’s classes.

9am: BTN

Watch and discuss this week’s episode (Episode 9)

9:45am: NAPLAN Spelling Practice

The Year 7 Language Conventions test will be displayed on the board. In the back of your Spelling book, answer each question as best you can. Questions 1 – 16 will have the incorrectly spelled word circled; you need to write it correctly in your Spelling book. For Questions 17 – 30, you will need to work out which word is spelled incorrectly, and then spell it correctly in your Spelling book. I have left some copies of the Year 9 Language Conventions test for a small group of people – you need to record the correct spellings in your Spelling book, but can work on it in the common area.

10:15am: Science – Renewable Resources Research

In groups of four, research your renewable resource using the following headings:

  • The positive aspects of using this resource
  • The negative aspects of using this resource
  • Interesting facts about this resource
  • Any questions you might have about this resource
  • List of people who contributed to the development of this resource

You need to work as a collaborative group. Discuss your topic and decide how you are going to divide the workload. Allocate tasks for each member and share information.

Your research groups are as follows (NO CHANGES):












Gather as much information as you can today, and then next week, I’ll explain the assessment criteria and what you will be doing with the information.

11:30am: P.E. with Mr Chatto

1:30pm: Silent Reading

1:50pm: Climate Change Mind Mapping

Continue working on your Mind Map for Climate Change. You can use the internet to research more information about the causes and problems associated with climate change, but YOU need to create YOUR OWN ideas for the solutions… What can we do as individuals? As a school community? As a wider community? Think big!

Mind Mapping

If Miss Jasmin thinks that you have worked really well today, you will be able to go out for an extra 15-20 minutes of fitness… there’s an incentive for you!

Have a great day 🙂

Miss Andrews